MaximsNews Network
By Mehri Madarshahi
Lincoln Center/Avery Fischer Hall: Orchestra of St Luke’s for the first time in its history will play with 25 renowned musicians from every continent in a premiere produced by Mehri Madarshahi and her Association “Melody for Dialogue among Civilizations” (www.melodydialogue.org), to be held on 03 December 2007 at Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, New York City, save this Date: Reserve your ticket at Avery Fisher Hall Box Office or, visit:http://www.lincolncenter.org/show_events_list.asp?eventcode=16432
This multi-cultural concert will feature some 25 renowned traditional musicians from 21 countries (India, China, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, South Korea, Japan, Mali, Guinea, Lithuania, Germany, Turkey, France, Croatia, Serbia and others). Violinist CHEE YUN (Korean) will play with Karen Han (Erhu) in Bach Concerto for two Violins and there will be a Chorus of 20 voices fromManhattan School of Music. A Gala dinner is to follow at Metropolitan Club.
The concert aims at promoting respect for cultural diversity and dialogue among civilizations through the universal language of music.
“Dialogues through melody can provide a major breakthrough in mutual understanding among people who share respect for universal values,” said Mehri Madarshahi, producer.
“It can be a new venue to help in creating culture of peace and unity among humanity regardless of race, culture, traditions, languages and religion,” she said.
The concert will begin with a new interpretation of Concerto for two violins of Bach, where Karen Han with Erhu “Chinese violin” will respond to a western violin.
This will be followed by Melody for Peace, a new composition (by Anthony De Ritis-USA) where the dialogue between classics, jazz and traditional music will continue. The highlight of the evening is the semi-staged opera of Rossini “L’Italiana in Algeri”.
Upcoming and internationally known major opera stars namely, Patrice Berger (Bass, French), Laura Vlasak Nolan (Mezzo Soprano USA), Boris Trajanov (Baritone Macedonia), John Bellemer (Tenor, USA), Manon Strauss Evard (Soprano, France) and Angelica de la Riva (Mezzo, Brazil) will accompany both groups of musicians. Orchestra St Luke’s will be led by Maestro Richard Boudarham (France) and Melody Ensemble will be directed by Maestro Igor Vlajnic (Croatia).
“Melody for Dialogue among Civilizations” has so far produced a number of concerts around the world with a similar format – but with different musical programmes and performing artists and musicians.
The Association began its extra-ordinary initiative in 2005 with “Mozart, but not only…” series for the opening and closing ceremonies of the sixtieth anniversary of UNESCO and Mehri was awarded UNESCO’s sixtieth Anniversary Medal by the Director-General for her innovative approach to promote respect for cultural diversity and the culture of peace.
Earlier, in 2005 she received the International Marrakech Prize.
A short excerpt of these extraordinary concerts can be viewed on YouTube, See:http://youtube.com/watch?v=UUiIsi-4Mfk.
The Association has brought together some 420 musicians from 70 countries – dialoguing with music from Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, Vittorio Monti and others.
In addition to its major concerts at UNESCO-Paris, the Association accepted an invitation from President Obasanjo, the then President of Nigeria, to hold its first regional concert in Abuja namely: Africa, but not only,.. (June 2007).
Its second regional concert was held this February in Havana, Cuba “Latin America, but not only”.
So, Do Not Miss the Date: December 3 at 7.30 pm. Reserve your ticket at Avery Fisher Hall Box Office or, visit http://www.lincolncenter.org/show_events_list.asp